If you are looking for a very quick pass on the perks then I suggest just checking out the summary section of each perk and then skimming through any sections of interest. This guide will of course be subjected to my own biases, but I will still point out good ways to use perks that I don’t personally like.

I have cleared crises in a no-perks challenge and I’ve heard rumors of people beating the Black Monolith without perks, so you do not need to stress so much about min-maxing or creating perfect builds. You can be successful in Battle Brothers (BB) using many different strategies so bear in mind that even if I do not value a perk highly it doesn’t mean you can’t make it work. I wrote this guide so that people would get all the necessary information to make educated decisions when selecting perks.

I want to put out a guide that is current to the existing DLC, that goes into a high level of detail and nuance for each perk and their general usefulness, while also providing use cases on when you might want to choose a specific perk. With the Blazing Deserts (BD) DLC and the Switch release on the horizon, we will likely see an influx of new players that will be seeking assistance.